
Angular and OAuth 2.0: Field Notes

If you think that authentication and authorization is something for backend, I’ll change your mind. In this lightning talk I’m sharing my insights from implementing OAuth 2.0 standard in an Angular monorepo. There are a lot of aspects to bear in mind – from multiple tab handling to dealing with dynamic parameters or refreshing tokens.

Catch me, if you can! - HTTP error handling in Angular

Can you ignore some HTTP errors? Should you console.log() your error message? Does Angular have a default error-handler? This talk focuses on these and other questions around HTTP error-handling. You will learn how to implement a robust communication with your backend in a systematic and strategic way.

Flexible Data Flow Architecture in Angular

Web applications are there to move data around in a useful and user-friendly way. Being quite opinionated, Angular defines its own data flow rules and provides specific ways to pass it around. You are probably already thinking about input and output binding and services, but it’s just the tip of the iceberg! I’ve counted more than 15 interaction options in total!

Let’s zoom out and have a look at the general principles rather than going into implementation of specific features. In this talk we are going to structure ways of information sharing across your app and discuss the underlying design patterns.

Being able to chose how you organise your data flows allows you to adjust the implementation to your use case. We will explore some examples where you can vary the degree of flexibility depending on the way you structure your components and services. However, with great flexibility comes great responsibility. So we will also touch upon the strengths and weaknesses of each data sharing approach.

Tools and methods to accelerate frontend development

„A 10x developer is an individual who is thought to be as productive as 10 others in his or her field. The 10x developer would produce 10 times the outcomes of other colleagues, in a production, engineering or software design environment.“ Do you want to become one?

In my talk I’m going to address concepts, tooling, and step-by-step automation for faster frontend development. You will learn how you can speed up your software delivery and make it more efficient. After all, 10x development is not only about skills but also about the right processes and tools.

Decoupling web dev relationship

With St. Valentine Day approaching, let’s talk about the good old couple of the web development: backend and frontend. Though they cannot live without each other, they should sometimes focus on their own hobbies and needs. In my talk I’m going to present some tools and methods to provide more freedom and independency to Angular developers by decoupling frontend and backend. In particular, we will have a look at proxy configuration and fake backend options with json-server to mock successful or error server response.

Reactive Error-Handling in Angular

Frontend development is fun! Unless the user acts unpredictably or the backend crashes. Unfortunately, both happens now and then. In this talk I concentrate on the “unhappy” path of web development – error-handling. I cover some types of errors and way to handle them – locally, in a service, in a global error handler. I also touch upon some RxJs operators that come in handy for our use case, such as catchError() and throwError().

Tools and frameworks to speed up software development

„A 10x developer is an individual who is thought to be as productive as 10 others in his or her field. The 10x developer would produce 10 times the outcomes of other colleagues, in a production, engineering or software design environment.“ Do you want to become one?

In my talk I’m going to address concepts, tooling, and step-by-step automation for faster frontend development. You will learn how you can speed up your software delivery and make it more efficient. After all, 10x development is not only about skills but also about the right processes and tools.

Superpowers of InjectionTokens in Angular

Dependency injection is widely used in Angular. We all know how to inject a service into a component. InjectionTokens are, however, less represented in Angular app universe. Let’s change it! In my talk I’m going to show you some use cases, where InjectionTokens  allow different parts of application to communicate with each other in a scalable and loosely-coupled way. You will learn how to customise your shared components and services with a configuration token, implement multiple themes and enhance content projection to create flexible, reusable components using bridge design pattern.

Angular Africa

Fake it till you make it - how to mock backend responses in Angular applications

In this talk I’ve presented some use cases for mocking backend responses in an Angular application and possible ways to do so. To illustrate each solution, I’ve prepared a showcase – an Angular app that visualizes bitcoin market data. The respective API is then mocked with the help of hardcoded values, HttpClient, HttpInterceptor, json-server etc. to showcase pros and contras of each approach.

Frontend Technology Radar

What is a Technology Radar and why do you need one?

I‘m going to explore these questions, provide examples of tech radars for frontend and the interconnection with State of JS/CSS.
will also touch on the Angular Ecosystem as it relates to the Tech Radar and how it will step up your game.

Building a Technology Radar

It’s all about staying up to date with the latest tech which is extremely hard in the field of frontend tools and frameworks. In this podcast episode we discuss an approach that helps to evaluate tech trends – technology radar. With its help one can categorize emerging technologies according to personal / corporate relevance, structure and monitor recent development and derive frontend strategy.

Crafting Frontend Strategy

Predicting future is hard, yet every December we see plenty of blogs with titles like “Web Development Trends ”. Are they reliable enough to use them in your business forecast?

In this talk I’m going to share my insights in crafting frontend strategy for a mid-sized IT company. You will learn about my way to tackle velocity and diversity of frontend technologies at the enterprise level. I want to discuss with you the “whats”, “whys” and “hows” of strategising, including some struggles that I faced, e.g. the soft “border” to other tech topics such as API & services, DevSecOps etc…

Challenging? Someone said challenging? So, let’s roll up the sleeves!

How to speed up frontend development

In this podcast episode I touch upon some tools, techniques and approaches for faster frontend development and software delivery. It is not only  about CI/CD and automation, but also about right processes and personal strengths. In order to move fast, you need to re-do less, communicate more efficiently, identify bugs quicker and sometimes even do less!

What web can do today? Speaking about web capabilities​

Frontend development isn’t easy these days: Javascript, Typescript, CSS preprocessors, cross-device and cross-browser compatibility, ally, i18n, frameworks, frameworks, frameworks… Need some offline functionality? Then you should look into PWAs. Do you want access to the camera? Get involved and deep dive into the world of hybrid apps… But does it always have to be so complicated? For example, did you know that <input type=”file” /> is sufficient for the user to select files from their device’s file system or to take a new picture with the device’s camera? In my talk I will demonstrate different features of the web platform and the capabilities of HTML5 and Web APIs, such as: B. geolocation, offline mode, speech recognition, etc. I will provide code examples and address current limitations and implementation constraints.

Scalable solutions with InjectionTokens in Angular

Dependency injection is widely used in Angular. We all know how to inject a service into a component. InjectionTokens are, however, less represented in Angular app universe. Let’s change it! In my talk I’m going to show you some use cases, where InjectionTokens allow different parts of applications to communicate with each other in a scalable and loosely coupled way. You will learn how to customise your shared components and services with a configuration token, implement multiple themes and enhance content projection to create flexible, reusable components using bridge design pattern.

Angular + Jest: Testing Tidbits

Testing is sometimes had to sell to business people. Indeed, one does not implement further features while writing tests. Nevertheless, it is an essential part of software development. Starting with some good reasons for writing tests, I’ll dig deeper into some practical use cases with Angular and Jest. This talk covers a variety of topics – from high-level features like best practices for testing strategy to more fine-granular aspects such as the difference beween toEqual(true), toBe(true) or toBeTruthy().

Dependency Injection and “the new” inject()

In this episode maria talks about dependency injection in general and its specific implementation in Angular. She explains the concepts with the help of coffee dependency metaphor. Coffee service, coffee provider and coffee injection token – all this completed with the recent news regarding inject() function in Angular 14.

Proxying HTTP request in Angular

Maria Korneeva joins the show today to share her approach on how to proxy HTTP requests in Angular, including use cases and various strategies to make proxying simplified and useful to your Angular workflows.